Market briefings looking back at December
A selection of articles written by our expert investment writers, covering the markets looking back through December.
Adviser-Hub 18th Jan 2019
Global update: 2018: worst year since 2008 for equity markets
2018 proved to be the worst year for global markets since 2008. The MSCI World Index fell by 10.4% over the year as a whole, dragged down by widespread economic and political concerns. Markets seesawe...
Adviser-Hub 7th Jan 2019
The Yield Curve: Economic Outlook for 2019
The yield curve gap has been a powerful and accurate predictor of recessions over the last 40 years. This month, we examine the recent movements in the yield curve and the implications of the shape of...
Adviser-Hub 19th Dec 2018
Europe market review: EU initiates Brexit contingency measures
Despite concerns that the eurozone’s economic expansion is showing signs of faltering, the European Central Bank confirmed that its programme of quantitative easing measures was ending at the end of 2...
Adviser-Hub 18th Dec 2018
Global bond market review: Rising risks to sovereign ratings
After a challenging 2018, risks to sovereign ratings are set to intensify in 2019. According to credit ratings agency Fitch, global financial conditions are tightening, political and geopolitical fact...
Asian Japan markets review: Japan faces economic headwinds in 2019
Japan’s economy contracted at an annualised rate of 2.5% during the third quarter of 2018, compared with an earlier calculation of -1.2%. Activity was curtailed during the year by a series of natural...
Emerging markets review: Emerging markets underperform over 2018
Emerging markets performed better than broader world markets during December, but underperformed global markets over 2018. Following a protracted war over trade tariffs, China and the US finally agree...
UK bond market review: Choppy December for UK gilt yields
UK government bonds endured a choppy December as investor sentiment was dictated by Brexit and mounting fears of a no-deal scenario. Parliament was scheduled to hold a “meaningful vote” on Prime Minis...
Adviser-Hub 17th Dec 2018
UK equity market review: Mounting fears of a no-deal Brexit
Newsflow and investor sentiment were dominated by Brexit in December. Having managed to agree a Brexit deal with the EU in November, Prime Minister Theresa May later took the controversial decision to...
UK equity income market review: UK equity yields surged over 2018
UK equity markets continued their downward trend into December amid intensifying speculation over the possibility of a no-deal Brexit. Although the government managed to reach an agreement with the EU...
US market review: Partial shutdown for the US government
Although US equity markets hit record highs during 2018, they ended the year in negative territory, pulled down by concerns over trade tensions, rising interest rates, a partial shutdown of the federa...
Adviser-Hub 10th Dec 2018
A selection of articles, written by our expert investment writers and cover the markets looking back through December.
Adviser-Hub 10th Jan 2018
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