Market briefings looking back at July
A selection of articles, written by our expert investment writers that cover the markets looking back through July.
Adviser-Hub 12th Aug 2020
UK equity income market review: UK dividends dive in Q2
UK share prices continued to fall during July as investors’ worries about the possibility of another wave of coronavirus infection.
Adviser-Hub 11th Aug 2020
UK equity market review: Uncertainty hits UK share prices
Share prices in the UK generally fell during July amid mounting concerns over the impact of a possible coronavirus “second wave”.
UK bond market review: Mounting fears over UK jobs
Gilt yields continued their decline during July, driven down by concerns over the prospect of a “second wave” of coronavirus cases.
Europe market review: Europe enters recession
The eurozone’s economy slid into recession, shrinking by a record 12.1% during the second quarter following a first-quarter contraction of 3.6%. Between April and June.
Asia Japan market review: Asian economies fall into recession
Investor sentiment in Australia received a blow from the government’s decision to put the state of Victoria into lockdown following a surge in Covid-19 infections.
US market review: US economy suffers record contraction
The US fell into recession during the second quarter as activity was curbed by a decline in spending and a surge in Covid-19 cases.
Emerging markets review: China sidesteps recession
While other countries confirmed their slide into recession in July, China’s economy managed to buck the trend, notching up annualised growth of 3.2% in the second quarter after a first-quarter contrac...
Global update: The other “R” number … Recession
Early in July, investors were buoyed by news of progress in the development of coronavirus vaccines. However, as the month continued, optimism was tempered by a surge in infection rates in countries i...
Wed, 19th, Feb Online Event
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