UK equity funds move back into favour
UK share prices rose and equity yields fell in June in the face of ongoing political uncertainty. The unfolding story of Brexit entered a new chapter during the month as the Conservative Party.
Adviser-Hub 10th Jul 2019
Asian Japan markets review: Trade tensions hit growth in Asia
Economic growth picked up in Japan during the first quarter of 2019, despite the continuing trade tensions between the US and China.
Emerging markets review: Trade negotiations reopen
The trade relationship between China and the US continued to dominate investor sentiment during June.
Europe market review: Further stimulus to come?
Following the extension to the Brexit deadline, the European Commission urged companies to ‘take advantage of the extra time” to make their preparations.
Global bond market review: Central banks start to ease
Bond yields continued their decline into June: prices rose as several central banks loosened their monetary policy stance.
UK bond market review: Gradual tightening strategy remains intact
UK government bond yields fell over the first six months of 2019, boosted by rising demand for gilts driven by political uncertainty.
UK equity market review: Political distraction
Three years on from the Brexit referendum – and three months after the Brexit deadline was extended – the issue of Brexit remained unresolved.
UK equity income market update: UK equity funds move back into favour
US market review: Rate cut on the horizon
Trade developments continued to absorb attention during June. Having imposed tariffs on Mexican imports in May President Donald Trump suspended them “indefinitely”.
Market briefings looking back at June
A selection of articles, written by our expert investment writers that cover the markets looking back through June.
Global update: Brexit: no further forward
The third anniversary of the Brexit referendum came and went in June, and still the issue of Brexit remained up in the air.
Adviser-Hub 4th Jul 2019
Wed, 19th, Feb Online Event
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